Minimally Invasive BIKINI Hip Replacement Surgery For Osteoarthritis In London

You’ve needed hip replacement surgery for a while now, but maybe you’re hesitant because you’ve heard horror stories of long recovery times or awful side effects. But did you know that there’s an alternative designed to reduce the chances of those occurrences as much as possible? It exists, and it’s called BIKINI hip replacement surgery! If you’re not familiar with the procedure already, check out MSK Doctors’ guide to see how it can benefit you and why so many people have turned to this procedure to reclaim their lives from the clutches of hip pain!

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The Benefits of BIKINI

So, what is BIKINI hip replacement surgery, exactly? Well, it’s often recommended for individuals struggling with arthritis, injuries, or other musculoskeletal conditions that cause debilitating pain or immobility. In fact, the procedure has gained recognition because it uses a minimally invasive direct anterior approach, resulting in a smaller incision and a faster recovery time. This also reduces blood loss, the risk of dislocation, and damage to the surrounding tissues, meaning patients are less likely to encounter complications after surgery.

According to MSK Doctors’ guide, BIKINI hip replacement is also favoured by many because it causes less scarring than traditional methods. Before the operation, the incision is planned carefully so that it can be concealed within the bikini line. What a fitting name, right? It’s also why the procedure is suitable for individuals with cosmetic concerns.

Potential Side Effects

So far, so good. But at this point, you may be wondering what the catch is. The truth is, there isn’t really one, but there are still some things you should be aware of. While there are very few side effects of the BIKINI method, patients can experience discomfort, pain, or swelling after the surgery. In rare cases, they may also develop infections or blood clots. 

But don’t worry. If you undergo the procedure, just make sure you follow your surgeon’s post-operation instructions closely, and you’ll be able to manage any symptoms that occur. If you notice redness, excessive swelling, or drainage from the incision site or experience pain that isn’t relieved by medication, that’s when you should immediately contact your doctor. 

The Costs of the BIKINI Procedure

Now you may be wondering how much it all costs. A specialised procedure like this is bound to cause a noticeable dent in your wallet, right? Well, most insurance plans will actually cover a portion of the costs of medically necessary BIKINI hip replacement surgeries. That said, you may still be responsible for deductibles and expenses related to aftercare arrangements, like physical therapy. If you have financial concerns, consider looking into income-based care options or financial assistance programs, as these will also help with the costs of the procedure.

Even if the upfront costs may seem daunting, you’re paying to spend the rest of your life free of debilitating hip pain. Just think about it: if you don’t do anything, you’ll still be paying for pain medications and other short-term methods that only exist to help you get through the day. The costs from those things will rack up in no time! 

So, if you’re convinced that BIKINI hip replacement is right for you, you can contact MSK Doctors for your options. The practice’s team of veteran orthopaedic surgeons has extensive knowledge of musculoskeletal conditions and experience in the BIKINI method and other hip replacement procedures, ensuring you receive the treatment appropriate for you. They’re devoted to helping you improve your quality of life, so if that’s something you desperately need, don’t hesitate to reach out!

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